Grid Grid Template Columns Grid Column Start / End Grid Template Rows Grid Row Start / End Grid Auto Flow Grid Auto Columns Grid Auto Rows Gap Box Alignment Justify Content Justify Items Justify Self Align Content Align Items Align Self
@tailwind utilities; .masonry-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 5rem); grid-template-rows: 5rem 5rem; } .grid-item-large { grid-column: span 2; grid-row: span 2; } .masonry-item { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; border-...
/** Overwrite defaults from `stylelint-config-standard` to allow separate `grid-template-rows` and `grid-template-columns`. */ "declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties": [true, { ignoreShorthands: ["/grid/"] }],0 comments on commit b6730ca Please sign in to comment. ...
-> Docxtemplater -> Dollar.js -> Dragula -> Drawingboard.js -> Diff Dom -> Egjs Axes -> Eddy -> Editor Md -> Editor.js -> Ef.js -> Egg.js -> Egjs Agent -> Egjs Component -> Echarts Gl -> Egjs Flicking -> Egjs Infinitegrid -> Egjs Jquery Pauseresume -> Egjs ...
Grid is a CSS property that handles the layout in a two-dimensional grid system with columns and rows. Elements can be placed on the grid within these column and row lines. Since we have full control of where to place the item, this property makes the grid ideal for creating drop-downs...