The hyphen in the optional flags are optional, f and -f will yield the same results. consolepi-addssids: Automates the creation of additional SSIDs which ConsolePi will attempt to connect to on boot. Supports psk and open SSIDs. consolepi-addconsole: Automates the process of detecting ...
PRE-EVENT SITE SET-UP: We’ll be getting all the tents placed and whip flags built on Friday before Stop 2 of Thigh High. So we can have a tight event site, please drop your tent off at Nautiques of Orlando before Friday (June 4) or drop it off during our event site set-up time...
Make me a sig! Date: Sunday, 27th September Time: 4pm UTC Location: Desert Resort, Unova ch.3 Duration: 1 hour for catching and 10min to submit entry Pokemon accepted: Nature Bonus: Timid +5 Modest +3 All Scores are judged highest to lowest. To win this event you need to submit an...