If you're looking for SimpleLight for the EZ Flash Omega Definitive Edition, check here: https://github.com/Sterophonick/omega-de-kernel Hello all! I have been working on a new theme for the EZ-Flash Omega, and I call it Simple. It is a nice rounded theme with both light and dark...
Office stationary Notebook Metal Pen flash drive Thermos Business Gift Set Specification: Material:Stainless steel, PU Set include:Notebook, card holder, pen, bookmark Size:96*65*13mm MOQ:1Sets Logo:Customized Logo Use:Opening ceremony, awards commemorative, adverti...
selected frequencies when scanning - add freqs to list with short */scan button when scanning, remove freq from list with long press MENU when not scanning +ENABLE_SCAN_IGNORE_LIST := 1 ignore selected frequencies when scanning - add freqs to list with short */scan button when freq sca...
XavboxSwitch Et oui il y a bien un site dédié pour le […] Transformez votre smartphone en Gameboy On se souviens tous de la Gameboy, notre côté nostalgique nous donne envie de rejouer aux jeux gameboy et celà va être possible sur un smartphone grace au SmartBoy ! SmartBoy C’...
[单选题] CustomActions 属于哪类 flash 内置对象() A.ore B.Movie C.uthoring D.lient/Server答案 查看答案发布时间:2023-09-03 更多“CustomActions 属于哪类 flash 内置对象()”相关的问题 第1题 依据燃烧物质的特性,火灾可划分为A、B、C、D、E 、F六类,下列哪类属于带电物体物质燃烧的火灾?A.E...