Laravel Version: 5.3.28 PHP Version: 7.0.8-3ubuntu3 (cli) Database Driver & Version: not relevant Description: When creating custom Blade views for displaying them to the users when a HTTP error occurs, I cannot access authentication or ...
Initiate it with a default value of your liking and then check through your validation and then store your errors in the Laravel validator because that still works, so you can use it perfectly fine for error storing, and then in the end check your boolean (true|false) in the end and the...
so that you can land on this page OK. Now from this page, you submit the form you have shown us, but validation fails. When that happens, Laravel does aGETredirect back topageX. But you have noGETroute set up forpageX, so you'll get aMethod ...
Magnetic Point is a trusted web development ally - a software house with over 20 years on the market, committed to bringing your digital vision to life. Providing expertise in platforms like Drupal, Symfony, Laravel and Custom Software Development.
Great, let’s dive into creating our custom Axios hook, `useAxios`. This hook will make HTTP requests and handle the request states (loading, success, error). 1. Initialize a new React Project If you haven’t already, you’ll need to set up a new React project using Create React App...
Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework used for building modern web applications. It emphasizes simplicity, security, and elegance in the development process. Method 1: Check the composer.json file Method 2: Use the php artisan command Method 3: Check the Laravel Application...
Let’s take a look at theresponse()helper in Laravel. It takes the HTTP status code as the second argument. This leaves us missing two key features: Code completion for possible status codes Validation in the editor GIF Let’s fix this by adding the attribute#[ExpectedValues(valuesFromClass...
中的主键字段id与文章表articles中的外键字段category_id的数据类型或者是数据长度要保持一致,因为作为主键的id值是从1开始自增的,所以在被其绑定的外键字段的数据类型就不能使用integer...,而要改用unsignedInteger 以上这篇laravel5.6中的外键约束示例就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考。 1.7K...
I would like to show a custom error page that has the same look as Laravel's HTTP errors (404, 500 etc.). Controller: $user= User::whereChangeEmailToken($token)->first();if(!$user) {returnview('errors.token'); } Blade Template: ...
I'm trying to implement one of Laravel's new features "Custom Validation Rules" and I'm running into the following error: Object of class Illuminate\Validation\Validator could not be converted to string I'm following the steps in this video:New in Laravel 5.5: Project: Custom validation rule...