{// +-return for interrupt action; or BdApi.showConfirmationModal ChatBoxText=null; Modals.showAlertModal(labelsNames.forYou,labelsNames.symbolsLimit); funcs_.showAlert(labelsNames.forYou,labelsNames.symbolsLimit); } } Expand All@@ -1172,7 +1173,7 @@ module.exports = ...
Letters and numbers in KHScala are accurate to our current knowledge, but may contain translation inaccuracies due to the Scalan language having not been fully deciphered. Punctuation contains some repeat characters, additional symbols and custom made characters. ...
This update changes the 25 MB limit to 10 MB for "Prevent sending files larger than" option in accordance with the new Discord's policy. # 0.5.9 Discord replaced "-" in names of classes with "__", which prevented plugin from finding essential elements using selectors. A...
where we port this kernel module to ARM32. Much of the Rockchip SoC gets astonishingly angry if hot-rebooted; we very carefully reset large chunks of the SoC's state inkexec-mod/kernel/arch/arm/machine_kexec_drv.c. To get access to many of the symbols we need, even if they are not...