Ghostybot A Custom Discord bot with a lot of commands for Discord communities. (+140 commands) Economy, util, fun, music, admin, xp system, welcome messages, audit-logs and more! You are not allowed to upload this bot to any service such as discordbotlist or, you are only al...
创建自己的Discord机器人-完全可自定义,并具有许多功能。 该机器人适用于高级JS用户,只有在具有Javascript,discord.js和JSON文件的经验的情况下,才应使用它。 完全免费且具有现代化的网络界面,以获取自己的Custom-Bot! 请在我们的上(目前仅德语)。 如果您使用此漫游器,请阅读。 我们真的很喜欢开源。 请阅读许可证...
# from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_option, create_choice # Prefix-Wechsler def get_prefix(client, message): with open("prefix.json", "r") as f: prefix = json.load(f) return prefix(str( ### Wichtige Bot-Einstellungen ### intents = discord.Int...
Hu**猎人上传15.21MB文件格式zipdiscorddiscord-botdynodynobotdyno-commands Dyno自定义命令 强大的Dyno自定义命令。 这些命令是由一些非常了不起的人编写的,其中包括我们的主要和常规帮助者以及我们的创始人! 查看我们的员工名单。 我们已经创建了一个供人们测试命令,聊天,获得帮助(包含命令)以及跟踪正在使用的命令!
Do you agree with Custom Commands's 4-star rating? Check out what 4 people have written so far, and share your own experience.
import { DiscordService } from 'src/services/discord.service'; @@ -157,21 +162,31 @@ export class DiscordCommands { await interaction.reply(channel.appliedTags.join(', ')); } } @Slash({ name: 'messages', description: 'Text blocks for reoccurring questions' }) handleMessages( @SlashCho...
Automation inspiration 7 Discord automation ideas Best apps The 5 best Slack alternatives for businesses in 2025 App tips 9 Campsite features to help you simplify team communication App tips 30+ Slack slash commands every power user needs to know App tips How to send a GIF in Slack App tips...
–I am a bot. This action was performed automatically! If you think it was incorrect, please notify us on Discord or Reddit Strongis13 added a comment - 31/Oct/24 1:20 AM This was marked as fixed in 24w44a, but the issue is not completely resolved. Now when the arrow is summoned...
Commands Mojang Priority: Normal Area: Platform Modifying a food item'ssaturation_modifierstatistic via the food component has unexpected effects, rather than overriding the saturation values for the food item. This does not occur when modifying the nutrition statistic. ...
CustomBotJS-PUBG定制游戏组织的Discord Bot 最初用于/ r / PUBATTLEGROUNDS aka PUBGReddit 基于的CustomsBot。 :clipboard: 要求: 这些是运行该机器人所需的库/软件包: (可选) :wrench: 配置: 下表概述了config.json的配置设置。 配置选项 描述 例子 token 不和谐机器人代币 N345798SDG98NBDSFGLKHlh4.8sdg...