创建自己的Discord机器人-完全可自定义,并具有许多功能。 该机器人适用于高级JS用户,只有在具有Javascript,discord.js和JSON文件的经验的情况下,才应使用它。 完全免费且具有现代化的网络界面,以获取自己的Custom-Bot! 请在我们的上(目前仅德语)。 如果您使用此漫游器,请阅读。 我们真的很喜欢开源。 请阅读许可证...
Ghostybot A Custom Discord bot with a lot of commands for Discord communities. (+140 commands) Economy, util, fun, music, admin, xp system, welcome messages, audit-logs and more! You are not allowed to upload this bot to any service such as discordbotlist or top.gg, you are only al...
또한 DiscordBotAdapter#get 메서드에서 받는 handler 파라미터가 컨트롤러의 메서드를 가리키는 것이 아니라, 컨트롤러의 메서드를 host filter, guard, interceptor 등 많은 과정을 적용한 메서드입니다....
Anti Spam Bot URL Remover Bot Channel Message Remover Bot Web Scrapper Bot Airdrop Campaign Bot Crypto-Currency Price Alerts Welcome Message Bot Auto Response Bot VIP Subscription Management Bot Payment Gateway Integrated Bot. A Lot more ORDER or Contact now to get your work done in time Thank ...
Join ourDiscordserver to chat with other users and developers. You can also post questions onStackOverflowunder the tagpocketmine. Developing Plugins If you want to write your own plugins, the following resources may be useful. Don't forget you can always ask our community if you need help....
a Discord Bot for custom dice of Legend of the Five Rings 5th Edition RPG - geazi-anc/Saikoro-no-Kami
The devcontainer we had before ended up a little buggier than I had hoped. This new one rebases on the Microsoft recommendations for Ruby and Docker, and works flawlessly. Devcontainer is no longer...
await logError('Discord bot error', error, { discord: this.discord, logger: this.logger }); }getHelpMessage(name: keyof typeof HELP_TEXTS) { return HELP_TEXTS[name]; }async getLink(name: string, message: string | null) { const item = await this.database.getDiscordLink(name); ...
CustomBotJS-PUBG定制游戏组织的Discord Bot 最初用于/ r / PUBATTLEGROUNDS aka PUBGReddit 基于的CustomsBot。 :clipboard: 要求: 这些是运行该机器人所需的库/软件包: (可选) :wrench: 配置: 下表概述了config.json的配置设置。 配置选项 描述 例子 token 不和谐机器人代币 N345798SDG98NBDSFGLKHlh4.8sdg...
yuukibot/yuukichan:latest, ghcr.io/yuuki-discord/yuuki-bot:latest, - name: Build and push the devcontainer uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: ./.devcontainer file: ./.devcontainer/Dockerfile platforms: linux/amd64 push: true builder: builder tags: | yuukibot/devcontainer:late...