So I have a custom CraftingRecipe that is effectively just a clone of the ShapedRecipe class (but does not extend it), I noticed that REI wasn't automatically showing the recipe and after further inspection, it seems that I need to register Display for it, I copied the DefaultShapedDisplay...
None Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Category: (Unassigned) 1.21 introduced a new crafting recipe system, and in pre 1.21 versions, you could make custom crafting recipe datapacks, where the output has custom nbt data, such as {display:{Name:' ...
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.CARROTSPELL = "All it says is 'carrots.' Huh." is also included in the modmain to lend a name and description to the recipe. I have the carrotspell.lua file in my prefabs folder, though it's not really fleshed out since I don't know how to achieve the function...
null: recipe.toBukkitRecipe(); }catch(AbstractMethodError ex) {// No Bukkit wrapper providedreturnnewCustomModRecipe(recipe); }// Cauldron end} 开发者ID:UraniumMC,项目名称:Uranium,代码行数:12,代码来源 importnet.minecraftforge.cauldron.inventory.CustomModRecipe;//导入依赖...
Hey everyone, Kzisor brought this to my attention and sent me a code suggestion, and I've extended the crafting tabs to be accessed from the mod api now. Here's an example of how you would use this new api, AddRecipeTab. local sort_key = 25local fancy_tab = AddRecipeTab("Fancy ...
The coremod for Nomi-CEu, providing custom GT changes, items, recipe changes, and more! - Nomi-CEu/Nomi-Labs
This mod adds 4 custom textured variants to the male enforcer outfit set, each new variant has matching boots, gloves, sunglasses and suits. Every variant can be found in loot and can also be crafted or bought/sold with a small variation of the vanilla recipe. The 4 male enforcer outfit ...
Check out our most recent posts How to BEND A BASEBOARD around a tight curve diy SNOWBOARD shelves: an easy tutorial Make your own succulent hanging wall planter 20+ amazing FARMHOUSE counter-height barstools Recipe: The most amazing CHICKEN SALAD! Get the latest via email!«...
it would be helpful to have something like the Just Enough Items mod installed for quick recipe guides or check the forum link below for the developer’s direct page. With this mod you can now make light and dark wood fences or even use crimson planks or warped planks to add a bit more...
Payload;//导入依赖的package包/类publicvoiddisplayGUIMerchant(IMerchant par1IMerchant, String par2Str){this.getNextWindowId();this.openContainer =newContainerMerchant(this.inventory, par1IMerchant,this.worldObj);this.openContainer.windowId =this.currentWindowId;this.openContainer.addCraftingToCrafters(...