The SAP Control FrameworkThe controls on the presentation server and the ABAP application programs on the application server communicate using the SAP Control Framework. This is programmed in ABAP Objects, and contains a set of global classes that you can find in the Class Browser under Basis ...
ABAP sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/Control", "sap/m/RatingIndicator", "sap/m/Label", "sap/m/Button" ], function (Control, RatingIndicator, Label, Button) { "use strict"; return Control.extend("sap.ui.demo.walkthrough.control.ProductRating", { metadata : { properties : { value: {...
自定义容器可以使用 CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER 类创建,但它需要一个可以放置它的父容器,或者需要在自定义屏幕中创建自定义控制区域。 将自定义容器与其他容器混合,这种方式在实际 ABAP 开发中也很常见。 许多ABAP 开发人员在包含自定义容器区域的屏幕的 PBO 事件期间创建自定义容器,但这不是必须的。也可以在调用屏幕...
Template for Developing Custom Controls for abap2UI5 How to bring your own Javascript into abap2UI5? This is a straightforward example to illustrate the fundamental operations: Trans...
SAP Control Framework The controls on the presentation server and the ABAP application programs on the application server communicate using SAP Control Framework. SAP Control Framework contains global classes that can be found in the class library under Basis Frontend Services . These classes encapsulat...
自定义容器可以使用 CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER 类创建,但它需要一个可以放置它的父容器,或者需要在自定义屏幕中创建自定义控制区域。 将自定义容器与其他容器混合,这种方式在实际 ABAP 开发中也很常见。 许多ABAP 开发人员在包含自定义容器区域的屏幕的 PBO 事件期间创建自定义容器,但这不是必须的。也可以在调用屏幕...
自定义容器可以使用 CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER 类创建,但它需要一个可以放置它的父容器,或者需要在自定义屏幕中创建自定义控制区域。 将自定义容器与其他容器混合,这种方式在实际 ABAP 开发中也很常见。 许多ABAP 开发人员在包含自定义容器区域的屏幕的 PBO 事件期间创建自定义容器,但这不是必须的。也可以在调用屏幕...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hello in se51 i placed custom control. but it is not displayed in screen (which created in se93 for that program) now in custom control i want to place dictionary fields. i donot know how to place it. writing code for custom control is only way fo...
By setting the boolean lv_abap_trial to abap_true mock data will be used. Added information that RAP and custom entities are only available on premise as of SAP S/4HANA 1909 Introduction In this blog I want to show how to build and implement a custom entit...
As you for sure already know, ABAP Cloud was announced at SAP TechEd 2022 and was part of the Juergen Mueller’s day 1 and Philipp Herzig’s day 2 keynotes. ABAP Cloud is