This driver allows your Linux device (including Steam Deck) to automatically recognize supported XR glasses -- currently XREAL Air 1, 2, Pro and VITURE One -- when they're plugged in, and convert the movements of the glasses into mouse movements and an external broadcast that games or any...
broadcastToTracking:false:将消息发送到服务器/true:向附近的玩家广播消息(通过服务器)。服务器端需要 CPM 0.6.1+ 才能实现网络功能。当使用broadcastToTracking或状态消息时,服务器上不需要您的模组/插件即可使数据包转发正常工作,您无需注册任何内容。 要接收非广播消息,请使用 ICommonAPI.registerPluginMessage 状态...