I Made EXTREME CUSTOM Armor in Minecraft... 183810朱砂供星月菩提 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多8.8万 74 1:08 App 当我的世界加入了生物肉会怎么样? 27.8万 609 4:16 App 小孩子钱这么好骗了吗?这种山寨游戏也能上架! 1.4万 38 13:08 App 我的世界:肝帝建造无懈可击的安全基地...
Minecraft 1.18.2 Modding - CUSTOM BLOCK MODELS(3D方块模型)388 -- 10:20 App Minecraft Modding 1.18.2 with Forge - JEI Compatibility(模组兼容JEI)16 -- 30:10 App Custom Armor Tutorial - Part 2- ARMOR - Minecraft Java 1.18 38 2 18:40 App Minecraft 1.19 Forge Modding Tutorial _ NETWORKING...
Virtual Economy:Use souls as a virtual currency for enchantment activation. Gather souls from kills, set soul prices, and store them on armor. Groups Dust Types and Scrolls:Define specific colors for enchantment groups, create unique dust types, and randomization scrolls. ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a custom shield with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, once you have a shield, you can customize it with solid colors, borders, stripes, gradients and many other patterns just by adding
import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Supplier; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.HeightMap; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block...
Members EvaraphiOwner Report
🔧 Scripting: CustomNPC+ Api:API Java Doc:JAVADOC LINK Scripted Items Scripted Block Player Overlays Custom GUI Script Timers Global Scripts Script Logging 1.12 Event Scripting Player Scripting Scripting Syntax (We never remove script functionality, only add on existing functions) ...
For now it's working with all the tools and armor of diamond, gold, iron and even netherite. When you disassemble an item you gain all the items you would normally use to craft it. And you also get the disassembly tool back, meaning you only need to make one to disassemble all your...
Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed If you have a Shulker recipe and it shows in the recipe book, the game crashes. (Server) Crash report: --- Minecraft Crash Report ---// Don't be sad. I'lldobetter next time, I promise!Time: 06.01.18 18:23 Description: Rendering screen java.lang.Arith...
volde { runs { client { programArg "Dev" vmArg "-Dcpmcore.deobf=true" vmArg "-Dcpmcore.env.client=true" vmArg "-javaagent:\"" + file("CustomPlayerModels-${project.cpm_runtime_version}.jar").absolutePath + "\"" } } } dependencies { /* Minecraft 依赖在这里 */ compileOnly "com...