Python cuspatial.GeoSeries用法及代码示例用法: class cuspatial.GeoSeries(data: geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries, index: Optional[Union[cudf.core.index.Index, pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]] = None, dtype=None, name=None, nan_as_null=True) 基础:cudf.core.series.Series cuspatial GeoSeries 启用 ...
cuSpatial O网页链接 专注于地理空间计算的python的算法库,用CUDA加速GIS和时空算法。 已有功能 Spatial window query Point-in-polygon test Haversine distance Hausdorff distance Deriving trajectories from point location data Computing distance/speed of trajectories Computing spatial bounding boxes of trajectories ...
All RAPIDS Docker images contain cuSpatial.An example command from the Release Selector:docker run --gpus all --pull always --rm -it \ --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 \ -p 8888:8888 -p 8787:8787 -p 8786:8786 \
CUSpatialFollow 0 Followers1 FollowingSummary 1 Model Collections 0 LikesPopular 3D models View all (1) Download 3D model Petrified Coral - Western Australia 12Views0Comment 0Like Category Individual / Scientist Member since August 25th 2024 Stats 12 views 0 likes 28.5k triangles 14.6k ...
Add CUDA major to cuspatial's build/string (#1211) @jakirkham Fix overflowing in intersection_intermediates.remove_if (#1209) @isVoid Sort the mergeable segments before computing merged segments (#1207) @isVoid Fix a small typo in pairwise_linestring_distance (#1199) @isVoid Improve Polygon...
cuspatial.quadtree_on_points(xs, ys, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, scale, max_depth, min_size) 从给定area-of-interest的一组点构造一个四叉树 边界框。 参数: xs: 每个点的 x 坐标列 ys: 每个点的 y 坐标列 x_min: 感兴趣区域边界框的lower-left x 坐标 x_max: 感兴趣区域边界框...
CUSpatial 0Followers1Following "Collections" help you sort your models To create a collection, select a model and add it to a new collection.
classcuspatial.GeoArrowBuffers(data: typing.Union[dict, cuspatial.geometry.geoarrowbuffers.T], data_locale: object = <module'cudf'from'/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cudf/'>) 基础:object GPU GeoArrowBuffers 对象。
Description cuSpatial's C++-based shapefile reader is limited. It can only load polygons (not multipolygons). It was written before cuSpatial supported GeoArrow data format and before it could inge...
(rapids) coder ➜ ~/cuspatial/cpp/build/release $ unset CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER (rapids) coder ➜ ~/cuspatial/cpp/build/release $ unset CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_LAUNCHER (rapids) coder ➜ ~/cuspatial/cpp/build/release $ cmake ~/cuspatial/cpp -GNinja -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DBUILD_BENCHMA...