Use our free curved text generator online and download your text only or text around circle if you choose that option. If you are still not sure how to curve text or how to use our curved text app, then please watch the video below that will take you through each step. You will also...
A character generator for a cathode-ray tube display system including the capability of digitally generating curved characters. Each diode matrix used for generating a character produces output signals in digital form representing the X-coordinate, the Y-coordinate, the intensity of the particular ...
Rectangular hollow curved conductor for winding end connections of turbogenerator or motor, has recess in surface or side area and connection element passing through recess for connection with further coil archThe curved conductor (1) consists of hard copper, and has a recess (4) in at least ...
The capacitive field generator radiates over a wide frequency range. It consists of two curved plate elements with adjustable orientation in a horn shape, whose radiation aperture is such that, in combination with concentrated capacitive and inductive elements, it generates a magnetic field in a ...
Turbine or turbo generator, has curved fan arranged with pressure sided blade on concave side, and stator vane that is longer than set of nozzle channels, where vane is arranged at right angles to airflow directionThe turbine has a stator vane (11) and a nozzle ring (1) that are ...
vacuum treatment to produce an electrically conductive bond between the contact elements and, immediately afterwards, to cause mechanically rigid bonding of the support, the adhesive foils, the solar cells and the cover to obtain a solar cell, generator. ADVANTAGE - The process has a reduced ...
The wind-driven electric generator comprises a housing (1) with a conically narrowing intake opening (5) through which the air flow enters and reaches the blades (3) on a rotatable drum (2) driving the generator. A number of these assemblies may be stacked and means may be provided which...
Wind-operated power-generator has a rotor turning in bearings. Similar profiled blades extend in the axial direction of the rotor and at regular intervals so as to form a blade ring. These each have a profiled supporting surface, with its convex-curved side protruding in the direction of ...
Each turbulence generator element (16) extends partly into the curved section (8) of each tube (4), and is clamped in it. The end sections (18) of the elements located in each straight tube section (6), are at a small relative distance inside the curved section. USE - Heat exchanger...
The cleaning equipment contains a vibrating bowl and is held in the vicinity of a vibration generator, encompassed by a receptacle in the form of a trough with a non-circular track, and which includes a non-circular track with a means for ejection at the separation. The ejection action is ...