DeflectionIn this work based on channeling phenomenon the problem of electron beam deflection by plane averaged potential formed by two crossed lasers is described. The effective potential formed at grazing reflection of laser field from curved conducting surface is derived. The critical radius for ...
E. analysis of stiffened shells, presenting beam element to simulate the stiffeners. The beam element has curved axis, thin-walled cross section with arbitrary shape and arbitrary layup, and is fully compatible with the shell element. Eccentricity is also accounted for. The material may be ...
4) curved beam 曲梁 1. The approach is based on large deflection characterisation of acurved beam,coupled with fracture mechanics concepts. 研究了复合材料曲梁在受到合拢弯矩作用下发生的屈曲情况,并给出一种理论解析方法来分析这种很可能发生在复合材料弯曲结构中的脱层耦合屈曲问题。
1, both subjected to a distributed transverse load of magnitude q and simply supported at the left end (the rods are assumed inextensible and solved in the small deflection approximation). The difference between the two structures lies in the constraint applied on their right end: figure A ...
By substituting the linear deflection characteristics of the tire into the above formula, the following can be obtained [25]: (3) where K1is the front tire cornering stiffness and K2 is the rear tire cornering stiffness. Since the 2-DOF vehicle dynamics model ignores the influence of the st...
The beam guidance magnet (200) has a coil system on a ferromagnetic material to influence the beam guidance, which has an expanded, curved single coil along the particle path. The coil system has two main coils (201,202) with side units (203,204,208) stretched longitudinally in the ...
Curved beamStiffness matrixShear deformationElastic foundationThe exact solutions for the spatially coupled deflection and the normal stress at an arbitrary location of a crosssection of the thin-walled Timoshenko curved beam with symmetric and non-symmetric cross-sections with and without two types of ...
Kim Nam.A series solution for spatially coupled deflection analysis of thin-walled Timoshenko curved beam with and without elastic foundation. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology . 2009Kim Nam.A series solution for spatially coupled deflection analysis of thin-walled Timoshenko curved beam with...
Deflection behaviour of the physical system involves strong geometric nonlinearity coming from non-uniform initial curvature, moving boundaries, nonlinear kinematics due to coupling between bending, stretching, shear deformation and large deflection, asymmetry in beam geometry and eccentricity in load ...
The development of differential quadrature element method in-plane deflection analysis model of curved nonprismatic beam structures considering the effect of shear deformation was carried out. The DQEM uses the differential quadrature to discretize the governing differential equation defined on each element...