2 : to cause to curve curve 2 of 2 noun 1 a : a line especially when curved b : a line connecting points on a graph or in a coordinate system 2 : something that bends or turns without angles a curve in the road 3 : a ball thrown so that it moves away from a straight...
2 :to cause to curve curve 2 of 2noun 1 a :a line especially when curved b :a line connecting points on a graph or in a coordinate system 2 :something that bends or turns without angles acurvein the road 3 :a ball thrown so that it moves away from a straight course ...
catenary- the curve theoretically assumed by a perfectly flexible and inextensible cord of uniform density and cross section hanging freely from two fixed points Cupid's bow- the double curve of the upper lip when considered to resemble Cupid's bow ...
Amplitude() # Fraction of points beyond standard deviations from mean beyond_std = lc.BeyondNStd(nstd=1) # Slope, its error and reduced chi^2 of linear fit linear_fit = lc.LinearFit() # Feature extractor, it will evaluate all features in more efficient way extractor = lc.Extractor(...
Curves are defined as arrays of points ofxandylike below: constcurve=[{x:2,y:1.5},{x:4,y:3},...]; calculating similarity between 2 curves is as simple as calling: import{shapeSimilarity}from'curve-matcher';// 1 means identical shape, 0 means very different shapesconstsimilarity=shapeSi...
Most of the points along the curve are just guesses based on the shape of the curve that best fits the observed data points. Therefore, the shape of the Lorenz curve can be sensitive to the quality andsamplesize of the data and to the mathematical assumptions and judgments as to what cons...
Interpolation of control points at knots where the multiplicity μ is equal to the degree n Many of these features are analogous to the elementary properties of Bezier curves. We shall derive each of these properties directly from the de Boor algorithm: ▪ Piecewise polynomial. Between any two...
P.S. The NYT article also points out that big-ticket infrastructure projects suffer from massive cost overruns (sound familiar?). …one obstacle to spending money on major projects, said Eoin Reeves, an economics professor at the University of Limerick, is that the Irish government has not bee...
For reasons given in the previous section, a smooth curve is drawn joining the data of Xia et al. and Ukai et al. Some points from Cooper et al. lie on this curve. The contributions to S(p) are determined by trapezoidal integration. ...
FromRect FromRoundedRect GetLineDash MoveTo RemoveAllPoints SetLineDash Stroke UIBlurEffect UIBlurEffectStyle UIButton UIButton.UIButtonAppearance UIButtonEventArgs UIButtonType UICloudSharingController UICloudSharingControllerDelegate UICloudSharingControllerDelegate_Extensions UICloudSharingControllerPreparationComplet...