For example, try evaluating the Poisson bracket between the spin-parity 2+ irreducible component of the foliation-projected momentum of the translational gauge field, and the 1- irrep of the foliation-projected torsion tensor, without first defining a constraint shell for a particular theory, type...
In order to construct overcurved circles, four pieces of Salkowski curves are thus connected while respecting the D2d symmetry of the problem and ensuring the continuity of the torsion t(s). This can be done by generalizing a procedure recently proposed by Monterde29 based on previous work by ...
The centre line can also be defined mathematically by its local curvature κ(s) and torsion τ(s)22. Our analysis will be restricted to untwisted rings having a centre line of constant curvature κ, and a locally variable torsion τ(s) that integrates to zero over the ring. Such rings ...
Thanks to this analysis, we construct explicit examples of Calabi-Yau with torsion Hermitian structures and prove a uniqueness result for them.doi:10.1007/s12220-023-01203-2giuseppebarbaroSpringer USThe Journal of Geometric Analysis
If c≠4r2 and r≠0, the space of extremals consists of two families of curves: 4.1 A real one-parameter class of Lancret helices (see Proposition 4.2). 4.2 The class of curves with horizontal binormal, which automatically has constant torsion τ=±r. This class can be parameterized by th...
choiceofthesymmetryclassofUweobtainlengthsof16or20summandsif Wissymmetricorskew-symmetric,respectively.Inspecialcasesthesenumbers canbereducedtotheminima12or10.IftheseminimaoccurthenUadmits anindexcommutationsymmetry.Furthermoreminimallengthsarepossibleif Uisformedfromtorsion-freecovariantderivativesofsymmetricor...
sresultindimensionthree.Anexplicitformulafortheregularpartofasolutionto thesub-ultrahyperbolicYamabeequationonthehyperbolicHeisenberggroupisshown. Contents 1.Introduction1 2.Integrablepara-contactmanifolds3 2.1.Examples4 2.2.Thecanonicalconnection5 3.TheBianchiidentities6 4.Paracontactconformalcurvature.proofof...
components of the soldering and connection forms for the Levi-Civita connection [Math Processing Error]∇ on M reassemble into a soldering and a connection form for ZM, which endow the twistor space ZM with a metric connection [Math Processing Error]∇¯Z with known torsion and curvature ...
plesofsuhexeptionalmanifolds.ItisnothardtoseethattheseexamplesanhaveodimensiononeintegerhomologyequaltoZ.ItokawaandKobayashihavealsoproventhatifamanifoldwithnonnegativeRiiurvaturehasboundeddiametergrowththentheintegerodimensionone1homologyiseitherZ,Z2or0[ItKoThm2℄. Note that the split or �at normal ...