IIfcEntity getEntityLabel Constructor Detail IfcCurtainWall public IfcCurtainWall() Method Detail getPredefinedType public final IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum getPredefinedType() setPredefinedType public final void setPredefinedType(IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum value)...
Installed on each wall is vertical cutter. Installed in horizontal chamber is turning shaft, and two slot guides connected with ground holders installed on rear end. Each longitudinal tie-rod is hinged with respective levers of hoisting device. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 5 cl, 16 dwgCHERNEVICH ...
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Methods inherited from interface com.aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.IIfcEntity getEntityLabel Constructor Detail IfcCurtainWall public IfcCurtainWall()Home...
end plate installed at the inlet of the suction branch pipe with possibility of its being moved on rod-like guides and tightly attached to the elastic section.;EFFECT: supply of constant amount of suction air to a fan and optimisation of energy consumption for a fan drive.;1 cl, 3 dwgAL...
In filled with watertight material trench 6, after its consolidation in previous concreting section is set to the next along the route curtain catch metal guide wall 1 of multiple use. Metal guide wall 1 is made in the form of rectangular box in plan, welded, for example, from steel ...
profiles have similar design in cross section and are installed mirror-like in relation to each other in horizontal plane; inclined air guide wall is provided on lower frame profile too.EFFECT: improvement of air flow control by means of curtain-type air valves of such type.20 cl, 10 dwgPAG...
When pressure is supplied to hollow of post 1, its cross-section increases to provide for elastic pressing of film panels 13 and 14 to wall of trench 11 and simultaneous fixation of member with respect to opposite wall of trench by means of lugs 10. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 3 dwgPETRO...