The curtain of the sanctuary in the temple rebuilt by Herod was torn in two, from top to bottom. Förhänget i helgedomen i Herodes tempel slets itu, uppifrån och ända ner. jw2019 After taking a one-year sabbatical in the USA, where he worked in Hitchcock’s Torn Curtai...
jw2019 (1 Corinthians 15:44, 50) Since Jesus’ human flesh was a barrier, it was well symbolized by the curtain that separated the Holy from the Most Holy in God’s ancient temple. (1 Korinth 15:44, 50) Isua mihring taksa chu a dangtu a ni a, chu chu hmân lai Pathian bia...
The poles might have been visible if there was a slight gap between the curtain and the wall of the temple or when the high priest had to enter the Most Holy. Poluge su mogle da se vide ukoliko je zavesa bila malo odmaknuta od zida u hramu ili kada je trebalo da prvosvešte...
When I visited the factory in late December, five weavers were working side-by-side along a huge, 24-meter-wide loom, creating a colorful new piece. A drawing was placed beneath the warp, and the weft was passed through the warp. The design was created only by the dyed weft. This “...
▪ What does the earthquake accomplish, and what is the significance of the temple curtain’s being rent in two? ▪ Hvørjar fylgjur fær jarðskjálvtin, og hvat ímyndar tað at tempulforhangið skrædnar? jw2019 Victorian women would carry parasols and wear wide-...