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Eliane DiasSennaMaria Inês BarreirosLimaLuciana Barreto deDuczmalLuiz Henriquerevista brasileira de educao médicaGontijo ED, Senna MI, Lima LB, Duczmal LH. Cursos de graduacao em medicina: uma analise a partir do SINAES. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2011;35(2):209-18....
The analyses reinforce the need of formative processes of being able to combat discourses and narratives loaded with a lot of stereotypes and Lima Silva, FelipeGama da Costa, Andressa FlorcenaPereira da Silva, ThalitaColloquium Humanarum...
Monteiro de Moura, Ana PaulaSoares da Silva, Leiade Sousa Meneses, Marlúcia LimaRevista Espao do Currículo
Purpose: The objective of this study was to identify if there is a statistical difference in the students' perception of different undergraduate courses of a federal institution of higher education on the teaching-learning process of the disciplines in the area ...
It is expected that this research will contribute to teaching and learning and, at the same time, bring motivation to students for the development of similar products, through multidisciplinary projects.Lima Horst, EvertonZanki Cordenonsi, AndreRevista Ciência e Natura...
Stece, VanderleiaCegan, EdilaineSouza Lima, Thereza CristinaBoguslawski, Ana MariaGeSec: Revista de Gestao e Secretariado
The present work aims to present a systematic review of the literature on the experiences of teaching-service integration in dentistry courses in Brazil from the implementation of the National Curriculum Guidelines. The included articles were searched in the BBO, ...
In addition, the mediation of the engagement and self-regulation constructs was identified, according to the Brazilian educational reality.Rocha de Lima, Katia MariaAlves de Moraes, EdmilsonAdministrao: Ensino e Pesquisa