If you're wondering what other useful keys we can add to the navigation bar to make Android O a more enjoyable experience, we'll show you an alternative setup in afuture tutorial.
In this tutorial, I will show you how toadd left/right keyboard cursors to the nav bar while the keyboard is showing (Android 7.0+, no root needed!)This tutorial is similar to the one I wrote forAndroid O users, but this tutorial will be much more accessible since it works on An...
In some classroom scenarios, the teacher might want to freeze students’ mouse pointers (for example, to obtain their attention).To enable freeze functionality, set the DisableMovement property of the MultipointMouseDevice object to true as shown in the following code. To freeze all mouse pointers...
SegNet复现详解(全英文):http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/projects/segnet/tutorial.html 代码实现:GitHub:https://github.com/alexgkendall/caffe-segnet 论文:《SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Robust ... 伪装磁盘二法:虚拟磁盘和网络映射 ...