很多朋友喜欢MAC风格的鼠标指针(Cursors Of Windows),这里小编给大家找来了最新2017年新版仿MAC鼠标指针下载。 使用方法: 右击Autosetup.inf安装,然后在鼠标属性中设置cursors为鼠标指针方案即可。 AMD处理器win10专用补丁 适用amd64 的系统 (KB4043961) Win10应用商店独立安装包|Windows10应用商店...
Win7之家(www.win7china.com):Win7鼠标指针:a0x cursors - 独具品味 玲珑小资 这套名叫 a0x 是由 SHADOW-XIII 制作,做工很细腻,暗灰色为底,略带有些许阴影,让整套鼠标指针显得非常协调和具有某种品味,边框的勾勒虽不明显,但足矣很好的体现出鼠标的存在,总的来说是一套不错的作品,欢迎下载使用~ 支持运行环...
Free Cursors Windows Cursors Downloads for Windows 10, 11, 8, 7, Vista and Windows XP browse our collection of freeware cursors to spice up your computer. We also have simple step-by-step install instructions. Simple instructions to install windows cursors into your computer for Windows 10, ...
Free download windows 7 cursors in png format Files at Software Informer. This program allows you to modify and customize your Windows cursors...
原文:https://github.com/antiden/macOS-Sierra-cursors-for-Windows 本人1080P用着感觉一般,有使用4K...
Cursors-4U.com a place for Cursors. You can also get Tumblr Cursors here. You can Download Cursors or Mouse Pointers that are animated as well for you Windows XP, Vista, and 7 desktop computer.
Here is a list of thebest free mouse cursors for Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC. If you are bored of regular mouse cursors on Windows PC, it’s time to change your mouse cursors to some custom ones. Now, if you want to change your mouse cursors, we have got plenty of mouse cursors ...
笔者根据《原神》游戏角色「纳西妲」的设计元素(重击特效、四叶草、E技能、草元素心形等),于 2022/10/23 制作了一套适用于 Windows 系统的鼠标指针。请注意这是概念鼠标指针,而非人物形象加小箭头的那种鼠标指针。 预览 获取 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qrVKYA6PHUd4R0oDQM8Tsg?pwd=stmc ...
Repeat these steps for any other cursor packs you want to install. Now that you've added the packs to Windows, you'll need to apply the cursor set you want to use. How to Change Your Cursor in Windows Even on Windows 10, you'll need to open the Control Panel to change mouse curs...