系统提示 "You've reached your trial request limit" 或 Pro 账号提示配额用尽。 解决步骤 临时解决方案 快速重置(推荐): 账号切换方案: 注销当前账号 关闭应用 执行重置脚本 使用新账号登录 关闭Cursor 执行重置脚本 重新启动应用 重置脚本使用 macOS: 复制 curl -fsSL https://aizaozao.com/accelerate.php/https...
cursor试用时间没到额度也有为什么用不了了,提示“You've reached your trial request limit” 3hollyevil 1 1-8 14:33 操作 我也遇到了,蹲一蹲 打开贴吧App,查看全部4条评论年轻人的潮流文化社区客户端登录注册反馈 ©2025 Baidu 使用百度前必读
这表示在 VIP 免费试用期间已达到使用次数限制: You've reached your trial request limit. 解决方案 :完全卸载 Cursor 并重新安装(API 密钥问题)下载 Geek.exe 卸载程序(请在公众号私信“Geek”获取,一般的卸载软件卸载不干净)完全卸载 Cursor 应用重新安装 Cursor 应用转到解决方案 1 方案一:快速重置(推...
cursor试用时间没到额度也有为什么用不了了,提示“You've reached your trial request limit” 夜辰无忧 1-11 0 poe app怎么订阅会比较便宜? 碰一下就... poe app怎么订阅会比较便宜? 碰一下就... 1-9 0 cursor时不时省略代码怎么解决? 贴吧用户_... 我明确告知它不要省略,还是会这样。 贴吧...
解决Cursor在免费订阅期间出现以下提示的问题: You've reached your trial request limit. / Too many free trial accounts used on this machine. Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place to prevent abuse. Please let us know if you believe this is a
cursor问题处理..cursor试用时间没到额度也有为什么用不了了,提示“You've reached your trial request limit”
解决Cursor在免费订阅期间出现以下提示的问题: You've reached your trial request limit. / Too many free trial accounts used on this machine. Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place to prevent abuse. Please let us know if you believe this is a
- Press theNovo Button- The button can be reached/clicked by an unfolded paperclip or similar. - Choose the BIOS setup. - If you do not have a Novo Button, then repeatedly pressing F1 of F2 or Shift + Power button (FN+F1 or F2) on startup will take you to the BIOS. ...
“if you’re sure you’ve solved the murder, go to page 122”, which would seem to be a shortcut for them to learn the solution even if they don’t really know it. But it is really a red-herring – the paragraph just tells them that they’re calling the police inspector Prufrock...
5 cursor问题处理 l平凡先生... cursor试用时间没到额度也有为什么用不了了,提示“You've reached your trial request limit” 夜辰无忧 1-11 0 poe app怎么订阅会比较便宜? eyvtgh poe app怎么订阅会比较便宜? eyvtgh 1-9 0 cursor时不时省略代码怎么解决? 贴吧用户_... 我明确告知它不要省略,...