Again, it really depends on your situation. I almost always use a cursor to loop through records...
Cursor vs. WHILE Loop I also wanted to compare running a cursor to running a WHILE loop that continually SELECTs the next value to be processed. I writethis codequite a bit to avoid writing cursors and I was curious if it was really helping out. My test in this case was to SELECT al...
跳转语句之ITERATE语句ITERATE语句:只能用在循环语句(LOOP、REPEAT和WHILE语句)内,表示重新开始循环,将执行顺序转到语句段开头处。如果你有面向过程的编程语言的使用经验,你可以把 ITERATE 理解为 continue,意思为 再次循环。 语句基本格式如下:ITERATE label分类...
VSCURSOR_DRAGSCRAP_SCROLL 12 Scroll while dragging from scrap cursor. VSCURSOR_HAND 13 Hand cursor. VSCURSOR_IBEAM 14 I-beam (text) cursor. VSCURSOR_ISEARCH 15 Search cursor. VSCURSOR_ISEARCH_UP 16 Search up cursor. VSCURSOR_MACRO_RECORD_NO 17 Macro not recording cursor. VSCURSOR_NO 18...
Please start any new threads on our new site at . We've got lots of great SQL Server experts to answer whatever question you can come up with. All Forums SQL Server 2005 Forums Transact-SQL (2005) Moving away from a cursor to while loop...
loop--提取一行数据到c_rowfetchc_jobintoc_row;--判读是否提取到值,没取到值就退出--取到值c_job%notfound 是false--取不到值c_job%notfound 是trueexitwhenc_job%notfound;dbms_output.put_line(c_row.empno||'-'||c_row.ename||'-'||c_row.job||'-'||c_row.sal);endloop;--关闭游标...
Cursors can be faster than a while loop but they do have more overhead. Another advantage is that it is we can do RowWise validation or in other way you can perform operation on each Row.It is a Data Type which is used to define multivalue variable. Was this answer useful? Yes ...
cursor tt is select name,sal from temp; vname; vsal temp.sal%type; begin open tt; loop fetch tt into vname,vsal; exit when tt%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(vname||'---'||vsal); end loop; close tt; end; /...
We use a WHILE loop to continue fetching rows until there are no more rows to fetch. Inside the loop, we perform operations on the current row (increasing salaries for certain departments). We print the updated information for each row. Finally, we close and deallocate the cursor. Best prac...
While currently similar to a standard code editor with AI features, we plan to evolve the programming experience significantly over time. New Features Transitioned to building Cursor on top of a fork of VSCodium Focus on enhancing the AI for pair-programmingMar...