从MySQL COMSTMTEXECUTE包结构描述,可知忽略的内容中包括标志位字节。也就是说,没有理会客户端设置的useCursorFetch属性反映到请求包中的标志CURSORTYPEREAD_ONLY: OceanBase代码中没有对COMSTMTFETCH的处理代码。 因此,可以说明OceanBase并不支持Server-Side Cursor。这在OceanBase官方文档中有体现: 不支持可更新视图、存...
Description:If CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY cursor type is used with UTF-8 charset, mysql_stmt_fetch() returns short string value. 1. mysql_query("set names utf8") 2. mysql_stmt_prepare("select ?") 3. mysql_stmt_attr_set(STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY) 4. mysql_stmt_bind...
1、locktype指定用户打开数据集时对数据集的锁定级别: ltUnspecified //未指定锁定级别 ltReadOnly //Read-only 只读 ,会加快数据读取速度 ltPessimistic //记录级别(该记录被编辑时其它用户不能用) ltOptimistic //独立模式(与原来结果集对照,如果在此期间其它用户修改了结果,则你的结果不能保存) ltBatchOptimistic...
Description:Error 1421 "The statement (1) has no open cursor" is shown sometimes unexpectedly for prepared statement on complex conditions: - query cache is enabled - CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY sometimes is used with the same SQL command If the problem doesn't occur - normally a regular insert in...
TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (CONCUR_READ_ONLY) Fast Forward Forward-only, read-only cursor N/A The application has to make a single (forward) pass through the result set by using a server cursor. It behaves the same as a TYPE_SS_SERVER_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY cursor. Rows are retrieved from the serv...
1. 二:为禁用状态添加状态 鼠标不可点击主要是两种表现: 1.鼠标不可点击时的显示状态:cursor: not-allowed 样式演示: input[readonly] //readonly:后台能接收此input框传值 { background:#dddddd; //为带有readonly的input框添加背景颜色 cursor: not-allowed...
The CursorType property is read/write when the Recordset is closed and read-only when it is open. Note Remote Data Service Usage When used on a client-side Recordset object, the CursorType property can be set only to adOpenStatic. Applies To Recordset Object (ADO) See Also CursorType, Lo...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于oracle cursortype的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及oracle cursortype问答内容。更多oracle cursortype相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
1 = Read-only 2 = Scroll locks 3 = Optimistic scrollable tinyint 0 = Forward-only 1 = Scrollable open_status tinyint 0 = Closed 1 = Open cursor_rows decimal(10,0) Number of qualifying rows in the result set. For more information, see@@CURSOR_ROWS (Transact-SQL). ...
DECLAREcursor_nameCURSOR[LOCAL|GLOBAL][FORWARD_ONLY|SCROLL][STATIC|KEYSET|DYNAMIC|FAST_FORWARD][READ_ONLY|SCROLL_LOCKS|OPTIMISTIC][TYPE_WARNING]FORselect_statement[FORUPDATE[OFcolumn_name[,...n]]] 参数说明: cursor_name:游标名称。 Local:作用域为局部,只在定义它的批处理,存储过程或触发器中有效。