开启该选项后,在 Composer 全屏开启的状态下(Ctrl+Shift+I),会在左上角显示一个 NOTEPADS 区域。 点击+ 可以创建一个 Notepad。 Notepad是一个头脑风暴和引用文件的空间,可以把这些用在 chat 和 composer 里。 有什么作用呢?之前提到的代码库是代码文件,知识库是链接。如果你有些文字内容,或者大段的提示词想要...
您可以通过修改Cursor Settings>General>Rules for AI来向光标添加自定义指令。同时,Cusor Directory这个...
AHK file in archive can be opened in Notepad (or if Autohotkey is installed on PC, it can be run as a regular EXE file). Script has no user interface (apart from "WindowSpy" function). AHK contains a few functional scripts such as ...
npx functorz signin XXXX@XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX@XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX 分别是你的zion邮箱和密码,如果你之前是手机号登录的,可能需要去zion设置一下 https://zion.functorz.com/userCenter/accountSettings 登录成功后就是以上的界面 接下来是 初始化 npx functorz create weishao_iframe 从顶部菜单,文件/打开文件夹...
登录 npx functorz signin XXXX@XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX@XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX分别是你的zion邮箱和密码,如果你之前是手机号登录的,可能需要去zion设置一下 https://zion.functorz.com/userCenter/accountSettings 登录成功后就是以上的界面 接下来是初始化 npx functorz create weishao_iframe 从顶部菜单,文件/打开文件...
https://zion.functorz.com/userCenter/accountSettings 登录成功后就是以上的界面 接下来是初始化 npx functorz create weishao_iframe 从顶部菜单,文件/打开文件夹,选择刚刚初始化建立的文件夹 因为Cursor如果不是在根目录处理的话,经常目录混乱,所以还是建议每次都在根目录下处理 ...
in Notepad++'s preferences. Settings > Preferences > Editing > Multi-Editing Settings Make multiple or rectangular selections and move the cursor. Supported cursor movements are:Left Right Up Down Home End Word Left (Ctrl+Left) Word Right (Ctrl+Right) Delete Word Left (Ctrl+Backspace) Delete ...
Additionally, I found the same behaviour when typing in notepad of windows. I know it might be a FEATURE to hide my cursor while typing, but is there any possible solution that I can make my cursor visible while typing? I just want to see my cursor. \ ...
The program offersthree methodsto be able to lock your cursor. The first one isdefining an areain your screen (in pixels) or manually drawing aselection box. If you runmultiple monitors, the second method is selecting a specific monitor your settings will take effect on. Lastly, you can li...
✅ Mouse cursor flickers as I type in Notepad:For some reason when I type in Notepad my mouse cursor starts flickering, My device says all my drivers are updated and none of my Anti-Viruses seem to...