cursor:notallowed; 这里全列出来了,可供测试和参考: cursor: none (not IE, Safari, Opera) cursor: context-menu (not Firefox, Chrome) cursor: cell (not Safari) cursor: vertical-text cursor: alias (not Safari) cursor: copy (not Safari) cursor: no-drop cursor: not-allowed cursor: ew-resize...
So I assume that bootstrap tried to implement the cursor: not-allowed for disabled buttons, or input's. I have created two jsfiddles. The only diference between both, is that one has the bootstrap-min.css imported and the other don't. We can see that when I don't import the boots...
当Select 或其 Option 设置为 disabled 时,CSS 会相应设置 cursor: not-allowed,但同时也设置了 pointer-events: none。所以当鼠标 hover 到 disabled 的元素上面时,cursor 的外观并没有发生变化。See: twbs/bootstrap#16088 (comment) 考虑到 pointer-events 的兼容性
{ color: #c5c8ce; pointer-events: none !important; } cursor: not-allowed !impo...
课程 /前端开发 /Bootstrap /玩转Bootstrap(基础) 为什么鼠标放上去没有cursor: not-allowed;禁用样式,虽然不能点击了 但鼠标还是箭头为什么鼠标放上去没有cursor: not-allowed;禁用样式,虽然不能点击了 但鼠标还是箭头慕工程7806118 2014-12-18 源自:玩转Bootstrap(基础) 3-23 ...
.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label::before { cursor: not-allowed; } 解决方案: For disabled custom-control elements in Bootstrap 4 (checkbox, radio button), you need the following selector css rule/selector: .custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label { curs...
CSS cursor 属性 ---规定要显示的光标的类型(形状) 默认值: 继承性: 版本: JavaScript 语法: auto yes CSS2"crosshair 所有主流浏览器都支持cursor属性 Opera 9.3 和Safari3不支持url值 可能的值 值 描述 not-allowed禁止标记(一个被斜线贯穿的圆圈)光标。用于标示请求的操作不允许被执行...
如何组合cursor: not-allowed和pointer-events: none 、 如何组合CSS cursor: not-allowed和pointer-events: none;not-allowed似乎没有出现 .cursor-default { cursor: default; } .cursor-not-allowed { cursor: not-allowed; } .pointer-events-none { pointer-events: none; } cursor-default ...
当我通过.css({cursor:"not-allowed"})添加样式时,元素如下所示: My Text 我知道我可以设置.css({"cursor"=""}),但我不想将每个样式属性都设置为""。我不明白为什么.removeProp("style")不工作。它不是应该这么做的吗? function applyStyle() { 浏览1提问于2018-04-04得票数 0 回答已采纳 1...
Bootstrap model and validation bootstrap multiselect dropdown not working in modal popup Bootstrap tab with partial views Bootstrap template is not working inside my mvc5 Bootstrap/Nav Tabs not working after update BotDetectCaptcha.ashx not found 404 Breakpoints and debugging javascript i...