At times, owners of a Windows 11/10 computer or the Surface device may find that theirmouse pointer has disappeared after logging in or resuming from Sleep or Hibernate. If you face this issue, this post will show you how to get the cursor back on the Windows 11/10 PC, Surface device,...
In most of the games I try to launch the cursor is not visible and this happened after updating to the latest version of the Windows insider preview.
🟦 Display Driver Uninstaller- uninstall audio/video drivers,Device Remover- possible major speed up of "Device Manager" startup (depends on how many PCs/components the system has gone through) 🟦 7+ Taskbar Tweaker+WinaeroTweaker+ExplorerPatcher+🟦 WinPaletter+🟦 Classic Color PanelHKCU\Co...
If you’ve done the above, but your touchpad cursor remains disappeared, it’s possible that the touchpad device itself is gone from your computer. In other words, it’s possible more a hardware issue than a software problem. So the next thing you should do is to make sure that you can...
I need help my cursor is gone and nothing is helping :) Moon Shine1, Dec 27, 2023 #1 JJD John Jefferson D. Win User Cursor / Mouse disappeared Hi Alexa, I'm John D, and I am happy to help you with this. I'm sorry to hear that you're havi...
After leaving the window with webview on it mouse pointer is gone inside this application. After closing all windows (of this app) mouse pointer is back. As zhaiyingwei has written, mouse is still present, only the pointer is not visible (on mouse move over a button inside the app the ...
My cursor is gone: When i start up my computer, i don't have a cursor. It's not invisible, it's just simply nonexcistent. However i can't do anything because wants to 'complete the installation of your device' a.k.a buy our subscription. I have tried forcefully restarting my compu...
I formatted the computer as a last solution. Everything is same. All of my settings gone. Nothing changed. c I can't use Illustrator right now. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Follow Report More Reply Reply IaMMaI Community Beginner , /t5/illustrator-discus...
(2015model) starts jumping, dancing erratically sometimes. I tried different troubleshooting, nothing works. One day I was sitting in the living room, as my kitchen exhaust fan turned on then right away my lap started giving me the problem. As the fan got turned off problem gone. Then I ...
If the mouse is gone in all apps, then force quit all apps that are running. Please note that you may lose unsaved data when you force quit an app. Furthermore, if you keep experiencing this problem with a particular app, the problem may be the app. You may want to contact the app...