通过免费扩展 Cute Cursors 为 Chrome 浏览器提供超过 1873 种样式和自定义光标。立即享受! CUTE➤ 将使您的浏览体验丰富多彩且愉快。在我们的扩展程序中从大量适用于 Chrome 的自定义光标中进行选择,将默认光标更改为任何时尚酷炫的东西。 在使用之前从官方 Chrome 网上应用店安装扩展程序。
We Features The Best Chrome Cursor Extension. Customize Your Browser Experience By Using Our Fun And Amazing Custom Cursor Chrome Extension.
Cursorly is a free Fun Extension for Chrome. You could download the latest version crx file and install it.Make your browsing experience more fun and unique with Cursorly! With our ever-growing collection of custom cursors, you can easily find one that fits your personality perfectly. Whether...
为Chrome 制作一个可爱的自定义光标。老鼠变成了一只可爱的老鼠。 更改鼠标样式的简便方法。 评分 4星(共5星),共42位用户参与评分 使用人数 40,000+ 位用户 版本 大小 93.48KB 分类 娱乐 提供方 Cute Custom Cursors 2023 支持语言 印尼语、马来语、德语、英语、英语(英国)、菲律宾语、法语...
! After installing this extension, refresh the previously opened tab if you want to use it on this page. ! According to the rules of the Chrome Web Store extension can not work on the store pages and home page. Please open any other website (for example, google.com) after installing th...
Explore a wide collection of cursors for Chrome and Windows. Easily customize and create your own cursors with Cursor Helper.
Cute, funky, and colorful custom cursors for Chrome! It’s a detailed illustration that is added instead of a default mouse pointer. The custom cursor will brighten your everyday surfing the web.
Custom Cursor is a browser extension that lets you change your cursor to a custom one from our giant cursor collection to choose from or upload your own cursors
Easily change cursor from tons of Animated cursors. Sweet & Eazy custom cursor for Chrome & Windows. Download cursor - make your mouse move!
Custom Cursor is a browser extension that lets you change your cursor to a custom one from our giant cursor collection to choose from or upload your own cursors