DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer id: '||r_sales.customer_id ||' Credit: '|| r_sales.credit ||' Remaining Budget: '|| l_budget );-- check the budgetEXITWHENl_budget <=0;ENDLOOP;CLOSEc_sales;END;Code language:PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL(pgsql) In the declaration section, ...
This example demonstrates how various operations on cursor variables can be modularized into separate programs or PL/SQL components. The following example shows a procedure that opens a cursor variable whose query retrieves all rows in the EMP table: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE open_all_emp ( p_...
For example, you could define a cursor called c1 as below. CURSOR c1 IS SELECT course_number from courses_tbl where course_name = name_in; The result set of this cursor is all course_numbers whose course_name matches the variable called name_in. Below is a function that uses this cursor...
In this example, we declared a parameterized cursor with default values. When we opened the cursor, we did not pass any arguments; therefore, the cursor used the default values, 2017 for in_year and 1 for in_customer_id. Now, you should know how to use a PL/SQL cursor with parameters...
Sql Cursor example USE [EUC] GO /*** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_SME_QueryAuditLog] Script Date: 02/05/2015 15:54:16 ***/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_SME_QueryAuditLog] ( @Reference...
PL SQL Cursor Oracle has dedicated memory locations for executing SQL statements and then it holds that processed information,for example, the total number of rows updated. A cursor in PL/SQL gives a name and acts as a pointer to the area of work called a context area and then uses its ...
Requires membership in the public role. Examples The following example opens a global cursor and uses sp_describe_cursor to report on the attributes of the cursor. Copy USE AdventureWorks2008R2; GO -- Declare and open a global cursor. DECLARE abc CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT LastName FROM Person...
Note that if you retrieve the data from a REF CURSOR type in the .NET application, you cannot pass it back to another stored procedure. The following example demonstrate passing a REF CURSOR: /* connect scott/tiger@oracle create table test (col1 number); insert into test(col1) values (...
sharedcursor就是指缓存在librarycache(SGA下的Shared Pool)里的一种library cache object,说白了就是指缓存在library cache里的sql和匿名pl/sql。 它们是Oracle缓存在librarycache中的几十种librarycache object之一,它所属于的namespace是CRSR(也就是cursor的缩写)。
The next example shows the use of a CURSOR expression as a function argument. The example begins by creating a function in the sample OE schema that can accept the REF CURSOR argument. (The PL/SQL function body is shown in italics.) Copy CREATE FUNCTION f(cur SYS_REFCURSOR, mgr_hiredat...