鼠标光标编辑器real world Cursor Editor 鼠标光标句柄hcursor 双语例句 1. Put the mouse cursor over the line between the gray and white sections. The pointer turns into a double-headed arrow. 将鼠标光标移到灰色和白色部分交接线上面时,指针变成了双箭头。
PointerCursormouse pointer 鼠标指针汉英翻译 mouse pointer鼠标指针; 词组短语 显示鼠标指针show 隐藏鼠标指针hide; Hide mouse pointer 鼠标指针图标MouseIcon 双语例句 1. The message contains the screen location of the mouse pointer, or sprite. 该消息包括鼠标指针的屏幕定位或子图形。
cursor光标; 词组短语 激光指示器Laser pointer; laser designator 电平指示器DISPLAY; LSI Level Indicator 动态指示器ACTIVITY 双语例句 1. A light pointer is often useful with a slide projector. 光指示器经常与幻灯片放映机一起使用。 —— 给力词典精选 ...