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Main File 3.4.3 v1.1.1 Release R Classic Dec 14, 2023 WoW Classic v1.1.1 Release R WotLK Classic Classic + 1 Dec 14, 2023 Members ZuggieOwner Report
Feel free to contribute to this addon by translating with curseforge's localization tool: Questions? Check out the FAQ at simply ask on curseforge or Github :) Feedback...
Use "/hnnew x,y" without the quotes to add a note at location x,y on your current zone's map. HandyNotes supports plugins that other authors can write to display their own set of notes on the map. See this link for a list of such addons:
/ wow minecraft projects members deadly boss mods 第1页 第5位 14 DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core) - Files - World of W... weakauras 第1页 第7位 112 WeakAuras - World of Warcraft Addons - CurseForge rangedisplay 第1页 第7位 35 RangeDisplay - Files - World of Warcraft Addons...
All credit goes to Cruciformer and his addon. He stopped making updates to his addon in December 2021 and has not been heard from since, despite requests to update the addon for WotLK Classic. This project is a modified version that allows the addon to be used in WotLK Phase 2. If Cruc...
1.1 Update - Added support for all the new items/recipes in SoD! 1.2 Update - Added support for all items added in SoD P2. 1.3 Update - Added support for all items added in SoD P3. Sorry it took so long, this week sucked :x...
The data in WowUkraninizer aren't exposed so we can't retrieve the translations. I left a message on their project page so let's wait :) #553 Message: ...ddOns/DialogueUI/Code/Dialogue/QuestHeaderWidget.lua:204: attempt to call method 'RequestQuestLineQuest' (a nil value) ...
A more in-depth guide can be found here: This includes 132 vanilla enchanting recipes and the 2 new SoD enchanting recipes coming in phase 2. Based on the available recipes on Wowhead...
Main File 1.15.2 SoDLog 1.3 Release R Classic Apr 16, 2024 Members thedarbsOwner