在右侧的 Releases 下载最新版。 打开后 Assets 的第一个就是软件 在CourseForge 上找到喜欢的整合包,下载整合包文件,此处以 Restrict Skyblock 为例 打开Files 选择整合包版本 点击下载 下载完成后,启动软件,选择下载的整合包文件。 在弹出的文件选择窗口选...
PCL2和HMCL 、BakaXL最新版已修复此问题,MultiMC暂时不会修复(详见:,mmc用户可以试试这个:CurseForge 整合包第三方下载器 MinecraftModpackDownloader 最近所有的第三方启动器都无法下载整合包(有些第三方启动器已经修复),这是因为最近CurseForge(...
V6.0 Modpack 1.20.1: TBD (I haven't had time to make a description for it)
Modpacks 96 Description This modpack's main focus is having the mod From the Fog. It also has many QoL mods, some mods to add magic, and mods to add new places to explore and new items. It also includes cooking mods, for people that enjoy the kitchen, and many mods for Create, to...
Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
将你的Minecraft游戏文件夹导出成CurseForge整合包格式,可发给好友,供PCL2等启动器一键安装 - MinersLab/minecraft-modpack-export-tool
go.mod github: use regexp2 for advanced regex Apr 16, 2024 go.sum github: use regexp2 for advanced regex Apr 16, 2024 main.go feat: begin github support Apr 16, 2024 README MIT license packwiz packwiz is a command line tool for creating Minecraft modpacks. Instead of managing JAR fil...
TmTmc collection of Minecraft Mods, ModPacks, and ResourcePacks for an enhanced gaming experience. Visit CurseForge for more information and download options today!
5. Other Paragraph ZeroLevels commented July 21, 2024 17:19 As it still seems to be for future consideration and I don't know if you've found a simplistic solution in the meantime, I'll leave a comment about what I do in this situation. ...
难度堪比RLC,开局送机枪?!这个整合包太疯狂了!【喷气背包猫】#1 #你在抖音搜什么 #我的世界 ↓详细简介↓我觉得就是喷射猫咪! === 材质包: Sapixcraft ResourcePack:Sapixcraft. - Radical根号于20230910发布在抖音,已经收获了1.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生