在Updated和License中间的这个Project ID就是项目ID,Curseforge上的模组的项目ID一般是一串数字。 Modrinth模组的项目ID在模组页的save图标的三个点那,单击那三个点,有两个选项,分别是 Report Copy ID
描述| Description 可以在导出时从CurseForge或Modrinth的API读取模组信息,将可以直接从平台下载的模组改为在安装时进行下载,模组本身不保留在模组包内;不存在于平台的模组就保留在模组包内 原因 | Reason 这样做在大部分情况下可以有效减小导出的模组包体积。考虑到很
不是吹,它真的比CurseForge快好多,不信可以去试试看。 https://modrinth.com/ Mod检索页面 除了加载速度快以外,它的排版也很养眼,没有广告(至少现在来看)而且也收录了大多数的Mod。你也可以在侧边栏键入一些条件来进一步筛选。 下载速度太快了,我都来不及截图 Mod下载基本是秒好 另外这个网站暂时不支持整合包下...
navigating the vast realm of modding platforms can be quite a challenge, especially for newcomers. Fortunately, two prominent contenders,ModrinthandCurseforge, stand out in the Minecraft modding arena.
检查项 我已在 Issues 页面 和 常见&难检反馈及问题列表 中搜索,确认了这一建议未被提交过。 我已查看 功能投票页面,确认了这一建议未在投票列表中。 描述 在Mod下载界面中,在“来源”设置为“全部”时,搜索mod后有时会同时显示Curseforge源和Modrinth源的Mod。 但不同
Plz add support for Modrinth mods in the CurseForge app, I've made this suggestion 3 times now, and every time it gets deleted... Anyways, They say on the Modrinth page: Modrinth's open-source API lets launchers add deep integration with Modrinth. We're already supported by some of ...
CurseForge has been declining "despite the fact that the number of downloads has been increasing month-over-month". In a later Twitter post, the Iris teammentionedthat "Effective immediately, Iris and Sodium have been pulled by Overwolf for encouraging users to download from Modrinth and ...
Hunger Plus 饥饿+ 模组已经上传到MC百科,curseforge,modrinth,可搜索游玩! 【MC资源分享】https://pan.quark.cn/s/91cac6409cd4 #我的世界模组 #mc - 焕昭君于20240313发布在抖音,已经收获了568.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
『我的世界』 🍁Complementary光影欣赏 光影:Complementary UnboundCurseforge:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/complementary-unboundModrinth: https://modrinth.com/shader/complementary-unbound/version/latest 材质:Stay trueCurseforge:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/stay-true#我的世...
For some mods, the Curseforge and Modrinth version of the mod are not exactly the same. For example, the mod Clumps (version has different hashes on Curseforge and Modrinth because it doesn't use the same build, causing the timestamps to be different. Similarly, some mods have...