The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of an old 8-bit game: a good bunch of enemies and bosses, linear and open scroll levels, secrets to discover, and a background story inspired by Greek mythology. It doesn't try to mimic a retro ...
艾修斯岛的诅咒(The Curse of Issyos) 当雅典娜女神的声音传来的时候,Defkalion 正在平静的蓝色大海上垂钓。 “快!”,雅典娜女神急切的说道,“艾修斯岛被奥林匹斯诅咒了!” 为了他唯一女儿的安全,渔夫开始向家的方向航行,冒险开始了…… 视频 分享这款游戏 ...
“The isle of Issyos has been cursed by the Olympus!” And so, fearing for his daughter Delia, his only family left, the fisherman sails back to his home, where the adventure is about to begin. The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of ...
“The isle of Issyos has been cursed by the Olympus!” And so, fearing for his daughter Delia, his only family left, the fisherman sails back to his home, where the adventure is about to begin. The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of ...
艾修斯岛的诅咒游戏是一款烧脑的解密逃脱游戏,玩家被困在神秘小岛上,需要通过收集线索,解开谜题,逃离小岛。游戏过程中,玩家需要运用各种逻辑推理,观察,和谜题解锁,来挑战这个诅咒游戏。 艾修斯岛的诅咒游戏游戏亮点 1. 独特的剧情设定:游戏的故事发生在一个被诅咒的岛屿上,玩家需要寻找线索,解锁谜题,以逃离这个神秘的...
“The isle of Issyos has been cursed by the Olympus!” And so, fearing for his daughter Delia, his only family left, the fisherman sails back to his home, where the adventure is about to begin. The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of ...
“The isle of Issyos has been cursed by the Olympus!” And so, fearing for his daughter Delia, his only family left, the fisherman sails back to his home, where the adventure is about to begin. The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of ...
“The isle of Issyos has been cursed by the Olympus!” And so, fearing for his daughter Delia, his only family left, the fisherman sails back to his home, where the adventure is about to begin. The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of ...
“The isle of Issyos has been cursed by the Olympus!” And so, fearing for his daughter Delia, his only family left, the fisherman sails back to his home, where the adventure is about to begin. The Curse of Issyos is a retro-styled action platformer with nothing but the classics of ...