We’re happy as always to bring you new features, bug fixes, and improvements across our platform. See notes update Discover the Best Mods, Addons & CC Our mod-obsessed team is on the hunt for the best content on CurseForge, so you won't have to! View CollectionsBecome...
2,388 Mods Stardew Valley 939 Mods Discover the best online Minecraft servers Check it out Download CurseForge App Featured Projects Resource Pack Overrides [Forge... 26,096,093 Total Downloads fuzs_ Java Aspects 240,816 Total Downloads
首先All the mods 7是一个1.18.2的包 其次Forge版本为:1.18.2-forge-40.1.25 下载的包的根目录下面会有一个类似的配置文件打开它我们可以知道具体的参数。 打开你常用的那个启动器(截图顺序为PCL2 / HMCL / MultiMC) 下载一个对应版本的游戏和Modloader(Forge)。不要安装其他多余的loader。 将刚才下载的整合...
Not all of the great and legendary mods on the website is in the app. idk how to install these the classic way. The app provides a smooth installation into Minecraft..Guest Sep 7 2023 Already exists 3. CurseForge App Sep 10, 2023 Admin response Hi, Maybe the project you are ...
Free CurseForge gaming app ⬇️ Download CurseForge for Windows PC or Mac OS ✔️ Install application in a few second ✔️ Manage your mods and addons & discover and play awesome modding creations
- Fabric/Forge - Those who perished at the hands of the Warden will come back to life to create chaos. As you know the Warden attacks every mob that moves, so this mod will change the Warden a little bit. When its about to kill a mob, then the killed creature will not die, instea...
curse forge for android I love watching Minecraft YouTubers play different mods, but over time I wanted to feel their experiences. minecraft game for kids. But over time I got tired of the game and the countless attempts to try to put famous mods like Comes Alive on Minecraft for mobile,...
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/playeranimator(FOR MOD VERSIONS 1.0.4 AND ABOVE) Damage Multipliers (Only applies to v1.1.1+) Combat Arts: Relative Combat Art damage: 8 Ashina Cross:x1.25 (x2) Sakura Dance:x1.2 (x3) ...
For non-Forge mods, there is no defined structure offered by other teams. As such, we return the same JSON structure. To get data for those other mods, you can pass the modloader slug (in parenthesis next to each name in the below list) to the URL in themlquery param. This list ...
如图,我用的HMCL启动器,下载forge并有一个mods文件夹 然后我用curseforge里的高级设置,然后下载的整合包没有用。 分享74 minecraft吧 爱莉芹菜罢了 [17-01-20]【MOD介绍+下载链接】【leiyongja与MODS 】第二期! 分享211 mc工业2吧 TOCN🔥 【mod教程】Ztones Ztones这个mod是GTNH里一个小mod,不过不光国内...