When you buy a selected Think product and trade in your old laptop, desktop or workstation. Shop now Get an iPad 10th Gen from only £232.50 (ex VAT). Hurry, offer available while stock lasts. Shop now Claim a 12 month commercial warranty on any Haier washing machine. ...
As part of my care plan for my lap top I needed an issue solved. I could not open a particular app. I was told by their techs that my laptop was too old to support the app that i had been using for years. I would need a new laptop top! A local computer guy resolved the issue...
Whether you’re getting rid of an old TV, laptop or washing machine, Currys ensures your old devices are disposed of or recycled in an eco-friendly way. All you have to do is bring your old tech into a Currys store and you’re guaranteed a free Currys voucher worth at least £5 ...
Brits To Cash In On New Laptop Trade-in Scheme At PC World And CurrysAnna Ohlden
They were delivered 5 days after I ordered, and installed quickly and nicely with the old ones were taken away for recycling; the lads, Karl and Thiago, gave a quick explanation of how the new appliances work and took all the packaging too, leaving the place tidy. Friendly, quick, and ...