CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMATIONEN ZUR PERSON Name Adresse Telefon E-Mail Web Nationalität Geburtsdatum Dr. Lukas Feiler, SSCP, CIPP/E Leopoldsgasse 51/10; A-1020 Wien +43 699 1108 3854 Österreich 25.05.1983 BERUFLICHE ERFAHRUNG seit September ...
Gebeshuber I.C., Belegratis M. and Schmidt V. (2010) "Emerging Nanopatterning Methods", in: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Vol. 1, (Eds. Guston D. and Golson J.G.), 1st edition (July 14, 2010), Sage Publications, CA, USA, ISBN-10: 1412969875, ISBN 978-1412969871, 184...
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Curriculum Vitae September 2016 Stephen John Sugden 1 Essentials 1.1 Contact details Stephen John Sugden Bond Business School Bond University Robina 4229 Phone (work): +61 7 5595 2155 Phone (home): +61 7 5522 7832 Phone (cell): 0407 762 837 Email1: Email2: ssugden@...