解决程序URL添加currentSchema后,访问该模式下的表,报错信息com.highgo.jdbc.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "test004" does not exist 详细信息 出现此问题的原因是URL中jdbc:highgo:// =test 参数currentSchema与等号之间存在空格导致,解决方案去掉等号前空格...
The plugin is issuing 'select current_user' to Redshift and erroring with the following: Unexpected error running Liquibase: Error executing SQL select current_schema: [Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: column "current_schema" does not exist; Issuing the command directly to Redshift returns the...
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 说明用户B无权访问SYS对象。 总结: 其实之所以需要current_schema,主要是申请一些只读账户时,通常是用grant授予用户访问权限,但访问时如果没有同义词则需要是用“schema(/user).表”的方式,每次新建表都创建同义词的方法也行,但毕竟很是不方便,是用...
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 说明用户B无权访问SYS对象。 总结: 其实之所以需要current_schema,主要是申请一些只读账户时,通常是用grant授予用户访问权限,但访问时如果没有同义词则需要是用“schema(/user).表”的方式,每次新建表都创建同义词的方法也行,但毕竟很是不方便,是用...
刚安装完 LNMP 访问正常,重启 Fedora 28 系统之后,发现Web无法访问了,重启 LNMP 一切正常,所有服务...
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 说明用户B无权访问SYS对象。 总结: 其实之所以需要current_schema,主要是申请一些只读账户时,通常是用grant授予用户访问权限,但访问时如果没有同义词则需要是用“schema(/user).表”的方式,每次新建表都创建同义词的方法也行,但毕竟很是不方便,是用current_schema就很简...
ex)jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ ThenSELECT DATABASE()returns null In this case, the masking feature is failed withorg.apache.shardingsphere.infra.exception.TableNotExistsException: Table or view 'actor' does not exist.. Reference:MySQL's ResultSet ofSELECT *is wrong when with Masking Feature#...
Query results in: ERROR: text search configuration "en" does not exist The same error is shown when running the query in PgAdmin if search_path doesn't contain 'dev' schema. With 'dev' in search_path, the query is ok. I was expecting that 'currentSchema' connection parameter will be ...
The application does not use the SET CURRENT PACKAGESET statement to select the schema it wants. Instead, it allows DB2 to pick up the package by checking for it in the schemas listed in the CURRENT PACKAGE PATH special register. Note:The DB2 for z/OS precompile process stores a ...
These data showed that because the local needs of scientists and their projects, property issues, and national and regional laws require very specific solutions, a common strategy for the construction of such facilities does not exist. However, several basic concepts were apparent that can be ...