The dividend yield on the FTSE-NAREIT Mortgage REIT index is 9.74 percent, compared to 3.81 percent for Equity REITs and 1.99 percent for the S&P 500. This high income yield has led some analysts to recommend including MREITs in portfolios designed to generate both current income an...
Omics data-based analysis on MRD in multiple myeloma. A Dimensionality reduction using GSE70398 (7 paired samples) and GSE147165 (40 paired samples) datasets; B Venn diagram, p < 0.05, logFC> 1 for both datasets; C KEGG pathway enrichment Full size image ...
The mean values of the peak current density derived from the x, y, and z GSE components of the magnetic field are 0.36 pA/cm−2, 0.47 pA/cm−2, and 0.54 pA/cm−2, respectively. The respective values of the maximum peak current density are 1.1 pA/cm−2, 1.7 pA/cm−2, ...
the development of new cNF trials is partially dependent on the identification of novel and pharmacologically tractable molecular targets with critical relevance to NF1 tumour biology. We propose that the application of modern oncogenomic approaches to cNF may yield valuable insights and allow the ident...
microenvironment may contribute to drug resistance. Chemotherapy induces osteoblasts to express Jagged1, which interacts with cancer cells and activates the Notch signaling pathway, promoting drug resistance [44]. However, these interactions may also yield therapeutic targets. For example, cancer cells ...
microenvironment may contribute to drug resistance. Chemotherapy induces osteoblasts to express Jagged1, which interacts with cancer cells and activates the Notch signaling pathway, promoting drug resistance [44]. However, these interactions may also yield therapeutic targets. For example, cancer cells ...
These non-gyrotropic distributions can yield large velocity moments even when the plasma is stationary. The large velocity moments are not in the convective flow direction that would be normal to the current sheet. Instead they are along the n× B direction where n is normal to the boundary. ...
One point that we should discuss is the low device yield of the single-trap electron pump. As discussed in our previous report24, the problem could be circumvented by using dopants positioned in a controlled manner1,26 instead of trap levels. However, as long as one high-accuracy single-...
We fast Fourier transformed the EFW and FGM data to produce the power spectra at low frequencies and time averaged the STAFF electric and magnetic field spectra over the time interval to yield the spectra at high frequencies. In Figure 3 we plot the resultant energy density spectrum. The two ...
a pore-lining residue of It has been reported that V102C/A/G mutants yield constitutively active currents, even in the absence of STIM1, while WT and V102I/M nmSToutItMbaen1tp-saorcteteqinvutaiitareetdeSdWTbITyMtah1nefdosVrama1c0et2idvI/oaMtsieomonf1u22t.-aIAnntPtecBrhea(sFntiinn...