当前收益率(Current yield) 年利息额 ÷ 债券的当前市场价格 = 当前收益率 到期收益率(Yield-to-maturity):本质上是一个折现率。 债券未来现金流的现值 = 债券的价格 假设有 2 年期债券,面值为 1000 美元,息票率为 4%,市场价格为 950 美元。 当前收益率为:current yield = 40/950 = 4.21% 到期收益率(...
the current yield of the bond is 5.33%. If the bond is a 10-year bond with nine years remaining and you were only planning to hold it for one year, you would receive the $5.10, but your actual return would depend on the bond's price when you sold it. If, during this period, in...
所属专辑:(30h+ppt)CFA一级固定收益_某财大正宗课程 声音简介 音频列表 1 CFA一级固定收益1st Reading-5货币和练习题 178 2021-03 2 CFA一级固定收益1st Reading-6current yield and YTM 141 2021-03 3 CFA一级固定收益1st Reading-7债券合约概览 ...
1.到期收益率(yield to maturity,YTM)是衡量债券收益水平最常用的一种方法,也称之为年化内部收益率...
Where P0is the current bond price, c is the annual coupon rate, m is the number of coupon payments per year, YTM is the yield to maturity, n is the number of years the bond has till maturity and F is the face value of the bond. ...
The investment return of a bond is the difference between what an investor pays for a bond and what is ultimately received over the term of the bond. The bond yield is the annualized return of the bond. Thus, bond yield depends on the purchase price of the bond, its stated interest ...
Yield to Maturity | Definition, Formula & Equation from Chapter 5 / Lesson 32 173K Learn what yield to maturity (YTM) is. Understand the definition of yield to maturity (YTM) and know how to calculate it. Discover how to...
current yield The annual rate of return received from an investment, based on the income received during a year compared with the investment's current market price. For example, a bond selling at $800 and paying an annual interest of $80 provides a current yield of$80/$800, or 10%. Als...
Factoring in Yield to Maturity Yield to maturity (YTM)is the total return earned on a bond, assuming that the bond owner holds the bond until the maturity date. For example, let's assume that the 6% coupon rate bond purchased for a discount of $900, will mature in the 10 years. To ...
Bond Yield As a Function of Price When a bond’s market price is above par, which is known as apremium bond, its current yield and YTM are lower than its coupon rate. Conversely, when a bond sells for less than par, which is known as adiscount bond, its current yield and...