Three external judges assessed if the content and length of the items was appropriate, and if they were easy to understand for adolescents. They suggested removing five items and making some changes to the wording of three others. After making these changes, the final instrument was made up of...
The judges independently analyzed data relating to around 92 participants in steps one, two, and three. After each judge had independently analyzed the 92 responses (i.e., created domains, categories, and subcategories), the team members thoroughly discussed the analysis until they reached a ...
On the grounds of an otherwise exemplary life, the appeals court later reduced this to ten years. For reducing his sentence the judges were mercilessly attacked in the media. Lot’s of grabs included remarks like “They should lock these people up and throw away the key”, and, “They s...
Federal and state judicial and cabinet officials are typically nominated by the executive branch and approved by the legislature, although some state judges and officials are elected by popular vote. federal law, declares war, approves treaties, has the power of the purse, and has the power of ...
For reducing his sentence the judges were mercilessly attacked in the media. Lot’s of grabs included remarks like “They should lock these people up and throw away the key”, and, “They should take these judges out of the courtroom and send them back to the classroom, and teach them wh...
2 (2015), 15-28, (finding that Chinese judges are more concerned of substantive justice based on a series of surveys conducted among nearly 3,000 Chinese judges on four issues: (1) whether maintaining social stability ...
The extra activities, like the pool party and jump rope competition, not sure what they were about because I didn’t attend either. But this is what was posted on social media, “the jump rope competition judges were Bonita Williams, Sabrina Crawford, Michael Bennet and host Herschel Smith....
All the judges in the courthouse work under the supervision of the Department of Justice. The judge clearly knows that discrimination and giving a verdict based on anything other than the case material is against the law. 4. You have been chosen as one of the two final candidates for a ...
Hence, there will be a relatively long judgment delay when the SPRT judges the start of a slowly progressing anomaly. Inspired by the idea of the sliding window function, this paper provides a new expression for the estimated value of current innovation, improving the fault diagnosis efficiency ...
Is it possible for the normative components of sentencing to have the desired effect of inducing restraint in judges’ sentencing practices, and is this normative effect of judicial reform long-lasting or only temporary? Are there any more “invisible facts” (J. Zhang 2020) that have a minor...