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Doppler current dataA technique is presented for the assimilation of ocean surface currents determined from Doppler radar systems into numerical ocean models. An approach is taken in which the Doppler radar current data act as if there were an additional layer of water overlying the ocean surface....
Surface currents measured by HF Doppler radar as part of a study of the Chesapeake Bay outflow plume are examined using a 'real-vector' empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis (Kaihatu et al., 1998). Based on about 23 days of nearly continuous data, the analysis shows that the first...
In order to address the limitations of traditional high-frequency radar inversion algorithms, which solely rely on electromagnetic inversion and disregard physical oceanography, this study incorporates a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and towed ADCP into LSTM training. Additionally,...
subsurface moored current measurements carried out in the northern part of the radar current field up to 35 km distance from the coast, but there seemed to exist a bias in the southern part of the current field measured by the radar, causing significant northward mean shear about 20 km off...
Oceanic Radar is one of remote sensors that are possible to measure spatial distributions of near surface velocity. The observed currents include the effects of wind stress, waves, tides and buoyancy and so on. These data sets should be useful to the data assimilation of......
Heliophysics and space weather information architecture and innovative solutions: Current status and ways forward 2024, Advances in Space Research Citation Excerpt : The next PyHC summer school will be organized by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Colorado, USA in person and online, ...
high-frequency doppler radar measurements of the florida current in summer 1983: schott, f., a.s. frisch, k. leaman, g. samuels and i.p. fotino, 1985. j. geophys. res., 90(c5):9006–9016doi:10.1016/0198-0254(86)90965-9ELSEVIER...