Three-dimensional (3D) color Doppler echocardiography is a relatively new noninvasive tool that displays and quantitates regurgitant flow and also enables estimation of cardiac output, stroke volume, pulmonary outflow, and shunt calculations. This article provides an overview of the current methodology...
Color Duplex Doppler Ultrasonography in the Current Management of Erectile Dysfunction: What/When/HowSantamaria, AlvaroMills, JesseAUANews
Current Applications of Duplex and Color Doppler Ultrasound Imaging: Abdomen Lewis BD, James ME, Welch TJ: Current applications of duplex and color Doppler ultrasound imaging: Carotid and peripheral vascular system. Mayo Clin Proc 1989; 64: 1147-1157.Lewis BD, James EM, Welch TJ. Current applica...
Karlan BY, Platt LD.The current status of ultrasound and color Doppler imaging in screening for ovarian cancer. Gyn- ecol Oncol 1994;55:S28-33.G. Crvenkovic, B. Y. Karlan, and L. D. Platt, "The current status of ultrasound and color doppler imaging in screening for ovarian cancer,"...
P3.16.37 Transvaginal color Doppler sonography in ovarian tumors with use of levovist® for improved visualization of the blood flow 2000, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics more E. Blanco, J. Carvalho, A. Fonseca, J. Pinotti, R. Pastore P3.16.37 Transvaginal color Doppler sonog...
The objective of this study was to develop and validate a method for identifying Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes by using Medicare claims data. We used self-reports of diabetes status from participants in the Medicare Current Benefi... PL Hebert,LS Geiss,EF Tierney,... - 《American Journal...
Even if 35 years old, Doppler ultrasound remains the least invasive and cost-effective technique in cardiovascular radiology; however, its use is confined to specific anatomical sites. Vector Flow Imaging (VFI), a new technique for angle-independent velocity estimation using ultrasound, has surpassed...
Cerebral blood flow of 10 asphyxiated term newborns was continuously measured during the first 7 days of life and compared with that of 10 normal term infa
Steinkamp HJ, Wissgott C, Rademaker et al. (2002) Current status of power Doppler and color Doppler sonography in the differential diagnosis of lymph node lesions. Eur Radiol 12:1785–1793Steinkamp HJ, Wissgott C, Rademaker J, et al (2002) Current status of power Doppler and color Doppler...
An Atlas of transvaginal color Doppler: the Current state of the art, Edited by A. Kurjak, Published by the Parthenon Publishing, Carnforth, UK, 1994, 268pp. ISBN 1‐85070‐459‐7HumansOligospermiaSperm CountSperm MotilityWorld Health Organization...