Current local time in India – Maharashtra – Amalner. Get Amalner's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Amalner's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Current local time in India – Maharashtra – Vasai-Virar. Get Vasai-Virar's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Vasai-Virar's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
For example, most sugar mills along the districts on the Karnataka-Maharashtra border procure cane from both states. These are known as multi-state cooperative society.Cooperative Societies in India.As per the Govt data, there are about 8,55,000 cooperative societies in India. These include some...
Data that will come from the all-weather day-and-night satellite are considered to be vital for the Armed Forces as also agriculture forecasters and disaster relief agencies. Dubbed as a ‘spy’ satellite, RISAT-2B (Radar Imaging Satellite-2B) will replace its predecessor RISAT-2 which has ...
In Current Affairs for 07 November 2023, we will see the latest national and international current affairs news. These important current affairs
Climate change: Climate change induced extreme weather events like droughts and heat waves is causing animals to move outside forests in search of water. Increase in eco-tourism: Pristine forest resources are being disturbed in the wake of weekend holidays in the forest areas. Impacts of Human-...
Tendu (Diospirus melanocaylon) is also called ‘green gold’. The tendu tree is commonly known as “abnus” in Andhra Pradesh, “kendu” in Orissa and West Bengal, “tembru” in Gujarat, “kari” in Kerala, “tembhurni” in Maharashtra, and “bali tupra” in Tamil Nadu....
This paper analyses the impact of antecedent rainfall events on the urban transport of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), Maharashtra, India. The impacts are analysed in terms of cancelled trips, passenger and vehicle kilometres travelled. We utilized a high flood level map for rainfall events ...
Yellow mosaic is not a major concern in any state. If the weather remains favourable in September and there is no sudden and significant variation in temperature and there are no continuous rains at pod filling stage or harvest time, then a good soybean harvest is expected this year. State...
According to normal biogeochemical cycles, metals were present in the world from its [35]. The existence of heavy metals in the soil sediments was caused by the underlying weathering mechanism. The soil sediments in the Maharashtra province of India are rich in zinc, cadmium, and lead because ...