Partly it’s the weather, which can be variable this time of year. Supposedly we’re getting snow again in the northeast, and high winds are on the way. Partly is that we we won’t be into a really comfortable harbor until we’re in the Chesapeake Bay. And partly it’s the same ...
Linking Climate to Changing Discharge at Springs in Arches National Park, Utah, USA. Ecosphere 2016, 7, e01491. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Tambe, S.; Kharel, G.; Arrawatia, M.L.; Kulkarni, H.; Mahamuni, K.; Ganeriwala, A.K. Reviving Dying Springs: Climate Change Adaptation ...
One I’ve recently heard is the phrase, ‘stay in your own lane’, by which the person generally means, mind your own business, and stop interfering in mine. There can be especially troublesome moments, at work and in other settings, when someone who has an insufficient knowledge or abilit...