Current local time in China – 23°07'55"N, 113°15'59"E. Get 23°07'55"N, 113°15'59"E's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore 23°07'55"N, 113°15'59"E's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Current local time in China – Guangdong – Guangzhou. Get Guangzhou's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Guangzhou's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
NEXT Weather Next Weather: WBZ midday forecast for December 17, 2024 5H ago 03:11 Our Newsletter Radars & Weather Maps Local Animated Radar Current Temperatures Heat Index Wind Chill Dew Point Wind Speed Latest News from WBZ More What are the chances of a White Christmas in New England this...
Current Weather Maps Contained on this page are sets of large, high-resolution surface maps. They will produce optimal results when printed on an 11 x 17" printer such as the HP 5000 Laserjet or Epson 1520. Some of the maps have surface plots only, as those are intended for manual ("...
There are0 Weather Alertsfor your area. 12°C Passing clouds. Cool. 24% 32 km/hWNW 24% Humidity -8°C Dew Point 9°C Comfort Level 0km Visibility 1022.02mb Barometric Pressure Air Quality Current Time : 4:11 PM CST Nearest/Estimated ...
the area south of the moderate emboldened line is an area with dew points at or above 65°F, and seems to be the cutoff line for where severe weather did not pass. The advection of Theta-E (a moisture/temperature variable) maximized at 6+°C/hr along the northern suncoast at around ...
MyForecast is a comprehensive resource for online weather forecasts and reports for over 72,000 locations worldcwide. You'll find detailed 48-hour and 7-day extended forecasts, ski reports, marine forecasts and surf alerts, airport delay forecasts, fire
Set personalized live weather alerts,like heavy raining&Typhoon Warmly outdoor sports tips based on real-time Air Quality. Tell you the local health information for your area, and the suitability for different kinds of outdoor activities.
Answer 1 of 5: I am currently in Salvador where the wind is tempering the humidity and temperature levels. I had planned to travel to Lencois midweek but I've noticed that some weather forecast have issued heat warnings for the Lencois area. They are...
There are0 Weather Alertsfor your area. 21°C Partly sunny. Mild. 88% 9 km/hNNE 88% Humidity 19°C Dew Point 21°C Comfort Level 6km Visibility 1016.26mb Barometric Pressure Air Quality Current Time : 1:08 PM CST Nearest/Estimated ...