Increasing competition from abroad, high energy costs, still elevated interest rates and uncertain economic prospects have taken their toll on the German economy, which contracted in 2024 for a second year. The dire economic situation is reflected in the storied auto industry as Volkswagen undertakes ...
English is clearly the language of global commerce and proficiency in English offers considerable economic advantages. However, English skill across many emerging countries is often limited to a small portion of the population (i.e., those who are highly educated). For instance, in 2016, close ...
This could potentially minimize future errors as each time the human agent approves or disapproves of a response, the chatbot will take that decision into consideration when it offers its next response.In effect, Digital Genius says the business’ human customer support agents are in part ...
Prepared by the European Commission, the annual Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard for 2015 was topped by the German automaker Volkswagen. In the top five R&D spenders, Volkswagen was followed by Samsung, Microsoft, Intel and Novartis. In terms of the number of companies on the list, India was...