Environment OS and Version: Local Windows 11 VS Code Version: 1.81.1 C/C++ Extension Version: Not installed yet, 1.16.3 If using SSH remote, specify OS of remote machine: Ubuntu 20.04 Bug Summary and Steps to Reproduce Bug Summary: Steps...
See error "extension is not compatible with current version of VSCode"Remote-SSH LogSadly, there's nothing interesting or related in the Remote-SSH log. Maybe I should toggle some switch to dump more logs?Anything else?Thought installing extensions from the marketplace fails, I'm able to ...
Gets the current design time-compatibility version for this version of Visual Studio. C++/WinRT 复制 void GetCurrentDesignTimeCompatVersion([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] std::wstring const & & pbstrCurrentDesignTimeCompatVersion); Parameters pbstrCurrentDesignTimeCompatVersion String...
Solved: I am running: VSCode Version: 1.78.2 (For x64, not M1) with ExtendScript Debugger version 2.0.3 Trying to connect to InDesign 2023 version 18.2.1 . - 13809239
When executing "Run Selection/Line in Python Terminal" command in VSCode, terminal's current working directory is the workspace root directory. How can we set current directory of terminal to the current file's directory when running the selection/line?
Extendscript Debugger - Cannot target current version of Illustrator joeyy31208461 New Here , Nov 05, 2020 Copy link to clipboard I recently moved to a new workstation and cannot Target an Adobe Application using VSCode and Extendscript Debugger. The workstaton pr...
原因: 在commit文件时,svn服务器被强行关闭了,导致版本信息文件写入不成功,重启后读取信息就不正确了! 公司断电的时候有人正在提交东西就会导致出现这个异常。 解决办法: 1.登录到svn服务器 2.找到Repositories文件夹,这里面放着所有的项目代码。 3.找到对应的项目的文件夹,如下图: ...
HRESULT IVsMonitorSelection::GetCurrentSelection( [out] IVsHierarchy **ppHier, [out] VSITEMID *pitemid, [out] IVsMultiItemSelect **ppMIS, [out] ISelectionContainer **ppSC ); Applies to ProductoVersiones Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 En...
[out] The identifier of the debug target type. pbstrCurrentDebugTarget String [out] The current debug target. Remarks The latched command is displayed as the visible command icon on the toolbar for the menu controller. If you want the project to inform...