Attr_desc is a dict of metadata. Currently contains 'type' with the msrest type and 'key' with the RestAPI encoded key. Value is the current value in this object. The string returned will be used to serialize the key. If the return type is a list, this is considered ...
History of Litecoin A brainchild of Charlie Lee, a former Google employee, Litecoin was released on October 7, 2011, via an open-source client on Github. The project went live on October 13, 2011. The project forked out of Bitcoin Ledger as a lightweight version of Bitcoin. ...
OpenZFS Versionzfs-2.2.4-pve1 zfs-kmod-2.2.4-pve1 Describe the problem you're observing Immediately after importing the pool, the ARC size (current) starts growing andquickly exceeds the Max size (zfs_arc_max). It continues to grow until there isno free RAM left on the server. This ...
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are monetary projects of digital public money at different stages of development, whose issuance corresponds to central banks. It is a digital representation of money with fiat currency’s legal nature. Still, like
Bitcoin Gold is a free, open-source cryptocurrency project that came into being as a result of a hard fork (split) in the original Bitcoin Blockchain. The digital currency brands itself as a new version of the popular Bitcoin cryptocurrency even though it maintains the transaction history of ...
Coronavirus Pandemic as a Warning Shot :The coronavirus pandemic and resultant quarantine was a version of black swan event that exposed many flaws in the outdating thinking across the Federal Reserve and government. Since the quarantine necessitated the freezing of entire sectors of the economy, the...
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding This research received no external funding. Data Availability Statement The data presented in this study are available in the article. Acknowledgments We are grateful for the kind permission to reproduce several ...
However, several inquiries remain to be addressed to increase the effectiveness as well as to ensure the safety of FP. Author Contributions Designed the outline of review: K.K.; Wrote the manuscript: K.C.T.V. and K.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the ...