String templates are not supported by current javaScript version 问题 今天在idea中使用es6新语法中的反斜杠来定义一段html代码结果出现如下情况。 解决 这是因为idea中定义的js版本太低,没有到达6版本,要进行如下修改。 选择6版本后就不会报错了,同学们赶紧试试吧!... ...
今天在idea中使用es6新语法中的反斜杠来定义一段html代码结果出现如下情况。 解决 这是因为idea中定义的js版本太低,没有到达6版本,要进行如下修改。 选择6版本后就不会报错了,同学们赶紧试试吧!
let报错: let definenation are not supported by current JavaScript version 原因分析: let是ES2015(ES6) 新增加的重要 JavaScript 关键字,以往的版本没有,所以要改一下javascript版本 解决方案: 1.选择File -->settings… 2.选择Languages&F... WebStorm JS报错 ... not supported by current JavaScript versio...
...此代码由Java架构师必看网-架构君整理 if (JSON.stringify(obj) === '{}') { return true; } return false; 3.利用ES6中Object.keys...()来进行判断 (推荐) Object.keys()方法会返回一个由一个给定对象的自身可枚举属性组成的数组。...如果我们的对象为空,他会返回一个空数组。 Object.keys(obj...
{"type":"module","prettier": {},"remarkConfig": {"plugins": ["remark-preset-lint-recommended"] },"engines": {"node":">=20.0.0"},"browserslist": ["defaults and supports es6-module","maintained node versions"] } And if you are using VS Code, you should get the extension for ES...
Lint The Current Thing. Latest version: 8.0.3, last published: a month ago. Start using eslint-config-current-thing in your project by running `npm i eslint-config-current-thing`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using eslint-config-curren
一定要在Setting里更改ES版本,网上某些文章声称从Default Setting里更改,实测是无效的。 标签:Webstorm,ES6,let 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 自由荣耀 粉丝-0关注 -2 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 »UEFI方式安装Win10以及Ubuntu后续升级遇到的问题及解决方案 ...
Earlier website developers used to use the long scripts in developing the websites but today with the help of some beneficial programming languages such as Java, c++, ES6 and many more the website programming has become much easier and it looks much attractive as well. Flat and material desig...
cause IDE: IDEA 2018 IU 语句:alert(`${textStatus}`) 报错信息:String templates are not supported by current JavaScript version 原因:模板字符串是ES6的标准,而IDEA中的JS默认为ES5。 solve 修改IDEA配置中JS的版本从默认的ES5到ES6。 呼出setting窗口:Ct... ...
When adding a rule, the "recommended" version of that rule will be unashamedly smashed used with as little alterations as possible.Outside of getting the various pieces to play nice together, Lint the Current Thing does all it can to not define any new individual rules or to have any ...